I've been on a little vacay from the blog. It has been a busy time for me the last few months. One major thing is that I turned 40! Wow! This last year I decided to own it! I accomplished many things on "My Year of Turning 40 Bucket List." One very special thing was that I celebrated by throwing a party for the women who have been an inspiration in my life. It felt so good to let them know how much I care for them and what they mean to me. I wrote something special for each one of them and read it  out loud in between streams of tears. Take a moment to let the people you love know it. Not everyone get's to turn 40, so own it! 
2/4/2013 08:33:18 am

I was honored to be an attendee at the above mentioned party. It was not only FUN, but energizing and inspiring as well. Thank you Holly!!


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