In honor of the royal wedding and to wish Will and Kate the best...what would be your advise to them? A young couple with intense media scrutiny trying to make their way in the world or to any couple for that matter. The advise I always remember is one I read from Kevin Bacon, yes, Footloose Kevin Bacon.  

"Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty." 

Also, my wonderful cousin Amy posted on her Facebook a question about what your royal wedding guest name would be... Start w/Lord or Lady. Your first name is one of your grandparents' names. Your surname is the name of your first pet, then finish with the name of the street you grew up on. William and Kate proudly welcome

Lady Dorothy Miss Kitty of 7th Avenue.  

to the royal wedding!

What advise would you give Will and Kate and what would your royal wedding name be?
4/28/2011 12:01:17 pm

Will and Kate would welcome Lady Juanita Cricket name sucks :(

4/30/2011 12:39:32 pm

Will and Kate welcome Lady Evelyn Joey of Township Road 163

That's fun, thanks Holly :)

5/4/2011 11:09:03 am

Will and Kate welcome Lady Helen KC of Ravine Street. My name isn't very fun either... It was fun though :)


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