You watched the debate didn't you? And now you realize my countdown wasn't that bad afterall, was it? Onward...
Number Seven:
He surprises me.  I will never forget the day he brought me home a gift card to Kenneth's Hair Salon. I was beyond shocked but even more shocked when I learned he won his college basketball bracket at work and split the winnings with me by getting me the gift card.  I know. I am lucky.

Number Six:
He prays with me.  I've really never prayed out loud, except in church. But one day I asked the Hubby to lead us in prayer, and he did it. He held my hand and just did it. I was so pleasantly surprised because we had never done anything like that together before. And he is really good at it. It makes me feel so close to him and closer to God. I love that he uses the Holy Water my Grandma gave us and puts it on the dogs in the morning. You might never guess that he is a pretty spiritual guy. God and I know and I guess that's all that matters...Oh wait, now everyone knows. I hope he doesn't mind that I am sharing all this stuff about him. He doesn't get on here much anyway, so I should be fine right? Ok, that's what I thought.

Number Five:
He forgives me. I have had so many people ask me how I deal with my husband. He can be a loud and crazy kind of guy. Well, what most people don't know is that I hide my crazy pretty well. (At least I hope I do.) And most of the time my crazy seeps out with him. When I said marriage is hard, I meant it. I admit that I can be mean, cranky, bitchy and down right rude to the man I love most in this world. And he forgives me, pretty much on a daily basis. Especially when I go shopping and bring home another pair of shoes with money we don't really have. Love you honey...stay out of the closet!

10/5/2012 01:12:06 am

I'm really enjoying your count down. I'm learning about you and Matt and reflecting on my own marriage at the same time. Marriage is hard but so worth it. Thanks for the encouragement.


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