As I evaluated life in my "Year of Turning 40" I was pouting about not having many mentors around me. Funny, since my career is all about mentoring. When I heard someone say they had a spiritual mentor or a professional mentor in their work place, I got a little jealous. Then I did some deeper thinking and came to the realization that it is up to me to seek out people I can learn things from. Duh..right? I have to admit that this is hard for me at times. I tend to hibernate often and get a little nervous in unfamiliar social situations. I get stuck in a rut. I have let quite a few meaningful friendships fade away because of that and I hold up my hand and take complete responsibility. With even mor deeper thinking (how deep can I go?) I came to understand that I do have mentors in my life and I need to cultivate those relationships more.  I am a master at excuses. Guilty as charged!   I have decided not to be so hard on myself, get out of my comfort zone and reach out more to people I admire and appreciate. prepared very may be getting a call from me soon! (At least I hope I dont chicken out!) Scary I know! Do you have any life mentors? Who are they and how do they inspire you? 
8/1/2012 01:32:37 pm

I can SO relate to what you are saying. Not keeping up with friends is a big regret in my life. And then there is the whole thing about being nervous in social situations so I just stay home. Have been working to overcome, but I think it will be a lifelong process. I did recently seek out someone whom I am now meeting with for "spiritual direction". So far, so good.


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