Happy Valentine’s Day my sweethearts! You don’t have to be in love to have fun on this wonderful day! Paint your nails pink, color in a coloring book, wear a read scarf, adore the bodies of men…but first and foremost, love yourself! 

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your
love and affection."

— Buddha
For fun, I made some crunch mix for my co-workers. I have put this recipe on the blog before, but it is so easy and yummy, I thought I would post it again. You can make it for just about any holiday, using different colored M&M’s.  
Pull one large sheet of waxed paper abd lay on counter top.
In large bowl, mix:
3 cups of Rice Chex cereal
3 cups of Corn Chex cereal
1-2 cups of cashews
2 cups of small pretzels
(All ingredients can be more or less to your liking.)
Melt one package of white chocolate candy coating per package directions.
Pour coating over mixed ingredients. Gently stir to coat.
Add 1 bag of M&M’s, stirring gently to coat and mix.
Pour contents out on wax paper. Let cool completely. Break off in to pieces and store. 
I simply put them in zip lock bags, wrapped some red ribbon from Christmas around them and voila!
2/16/2012 03:19:03 am

I didn't give you permission to put my picture on your blog! But, I guess in this case it's ok. LOL


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