Recently I have been getting a ton of free things by signing up through This awesome website is great for connecting you to amazing coupons and free things. For a girl who loves a bargain, it can't be beat! I will be sharing more about my adventures into couponing later this week. I thought I would share one of my recent free goodies with you for being so supportive during my first week of blogging. All you have to do is leave a comment answering this question: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring? I would bring a Starbucks, a Target and it's a tie between my dog or my husband:) Comment here and I will randomly pick someone tommorow. I will follow up with an email to the winner to get their mailing address & send it out. You can get an extra entry by posting on your Facebook about my blog.(The more followers the better!) Just leave another comment that you did so. Thanks and good luck!
Pam Duffy
4/4/2011 07:29:24 am

I would take my grandkids, my iPad, and my kindle.

4/4/2011 10:26:19 am

I would take Michael, my husband and dental floss

4/4/2011 11:45:32 am

I would take my friend Lisa, my laptop, and a virgin mobile internet card,,,,,wait maybe I would need a generator? Wow, tough choice


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